Book Your Event Name * First Name Last Name Company * Email * Phone (###) ### #### Name of Event * Type of Event * School Presentations Dance Concert Dance Competition Trade Show/Expo Conference/Seminar Meetings/Workshop Musical/Theatre Rehearsals Fundraiser Lunch/Dinner Other What rooms are you interested in? * Main Auditorium Mini Auditorium Cafe/Deck Conference Room Kids Room Green Room Other Preferred Date * MM DD YYYY Start Time * Hour Minute Second AM PM Finish Time * Hour Minute Second AM PM Approximate Number of Attendees * Food & Drinks I would like the cafe to be open to the public during my event I would like professional catering for this event Other catering requirements Sound Packages Complimentary Microphone and Aux Cable Professional Sound Mixing (up to 48 inputs of intrustments, wired and wireless microphones and media) Theatre Face Microphones Instrument Hire (drums, keyboards, guitars and grand piano availible) Other Sound Requirements Lighting Packages Lighting packages for main auditorium only. Complimentary Stage Wash Basic Intelligent Lighting (moving head spots, haze, custom colour schemes) Professional Custom Lighting (can include theatre style lighting and custom timecode songs) Other Lighting Requirements Audio/Visual Packages 2 data projectors available in main audiotrium. 1 projector in mini audiotorium. Mobile Televisons and digital whiteboards also available. I can supply my own media and operator I can suppy my own media and Suncoast provides an operator Suncoast creates media for my show Live camera feed on projectors No data projectors required Additional Staff Requirments Photography Videography Ushers Carpark Attendants Security Setup/Packup Team How did you hear about us? Word of Mouth I have attended an event here before Website/Social Media Other Any Additional Information Thank you!